12 Lesson Bible Study
Glad To Be In GOD's House

Pastors, whether it is you or another individual appointed by you that teaches the new converts, Glad To Be In GOD's House, 12 Lesson Bible Study, is a must. It is a quality Apostolic Bible Study. Below are samples of over 500 PowerPoint slides used in this series, to give the visual affect needed in helping individuals and the church in remembering the critical information conveyed in these Apostolic Bible Studies. They were also created to encourage more in-depth study into the Word of GOD. The artistic and picturesque photos and renderings give quality to an already interesting series. You may also find Glad To Be In GOD’s House a study that can be useful in teaching the entire church body, including seasoned saints. The author, also a pastor, taught it to the entire church, expanding on the subject matter.
Glad To Be In GOD's House can also be used in the home as a devotional guide (not to replace your Bibles) for Apostolics. The lessons pinpoint specific subject matter critical in our serving a HOLY GOD. There could never be enough said about the need of proper guidance and instruction given in our homes. Training our children and grandchildren properly is a must.
This Apostolic "Glad To Be In GOD's House" Bible Study Series, brings to you many years of experience and study. Each study was written in a easy to understand manner for both the teacher and student. Many of the slides speak volumes in themselves. The outlines at the end of each chapter are meant to help all in recalling the specifics of the lessons. The questions and answers will help in clarifying specific points, and in turn will pique the interest of the student even further. The Apostolic Bible Study, Glad To Be In GOD's House has been written and designed to encourage further and deeper study.